You have goals and a lifestyle you are wanting to achieve and are learning from your past that you have always possessed the power necessary to achieve them. because of this you're feeling motivated, more creative and may have been receiving plenty of new ideas that excite you and you are now eager to make them happen despite any obstacle. you may have had to defend your beliefs, dreams from people who may not understand what you know is best for you and though you should always stand up for what you believe in you want to be careful of developing such a tunnel vision that you aren't able to see the people that may have genuine suggestions and offer healthy criticism to help make your journey easier. try to balance your current knight of swords-like approach with a more patient and receptive approach. there is also an energy of feeling as if you always have to prove yourself because you may have been put in positions to do so in the past, whether it be within a career field, family or friends. Your spread is validating you in your feelings of needing to protect yourself but there is also an energy around that is allowing you to relax a little bit and know that you and your dreams are protected.  




you may be experiencing a feeling of being super restricted or even trapped within a certain aspect of your life right now, maybe because you aren't physically seeing the progress you have made thus far giving you the illusion of being stuck or stagnant. you may feel sort of defeated as if what you're trying to achieve isn't for you or that it may never happen. this week you are being reminded to know your power that you actually have more control than you actually do, the key is that you may have to detach from how you think things should look and trust that what you imagine for yourself may turn out even better than you'd ever imagined. practice more gratitude for how far you've come and continue putting one foot in front of the other, trusting that everything will turn out fine. finances could also be playing into the reason you're feeling trapped as well. you may be sticking to a tight budget or are being called to make one now so that you can eventually have the flexibility you are looking for. we all understand needing to make more money but i feel that you may be needing to learn how to appreciate the salary you currently have and begin to show the proper respect to it first so that you can be able to maintain the income you are wanting to manifest when it does come in. 




you guys were the only ones I heard a song for and the lyric that stood out was "Truth is i'm Tiiired" (Listen to "Take Me to the King" by Tamela Mann) 

You guys are tired, exhausted, drained and in need of some rest and self-care this week for sure! with the four of swords being the first card out in your reading this lets me know this feeling of overwhelm and drained may be more on the mental front more than anything at this time. it seems like you are carrying a lot of responsibilities at this moment whether it be in your work or home life or both. either way make sure to find some time this week to step away from your responsibilities and check in with yourself and allow yourself to have a little fun so that you don't over exhaust yourself to burn out. I see you will be able to release some of the burdens soon, whether you may find a healthier way to balance it all or are finally reaching the completion point if this is something to do with work or a specific project.

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