Oh, For the Love of Self!: Vday Inspired Wax Melts

Oh, For the Love of Self!: Vday Inspired Wax Melts



The Inspiration for this Product came to me during a mercury rx when two people from my past came back around admitting that they finally “saw and appreciated me” for who I was trying to be for them back when I was desperate for their love and attention. Making the decision to just accept the Apologies and acknowledgement and to continue moving on was something I surprised myself with because before I loved myself enough or knew my true worth, I spent most of my time feeling empty, ruminating and blaming myself for not being enough to be loved and accepted for who I was. “Oh, for the love of self” is a play on the saying “oh for the love of god!” because for a moment I was tempted to accept people back into my life, believing that they have changed and some actually may have, but I no longer cared whether they did or not because I had become too focused on myself and what I was building for myself to truly care to notice anymore. During that moment of debating with myself “for the love of god, please move on!” was being screamed at me by my intuition. I’d also just watched a tarot reader say, “your love of self is going to require you to say no to people who are looking to reconcile with you at this moment because they have reached a new level of love for themselves and are thinking of the person that they knew that resonated at that frequency which would be you." Valentine’s day is also one of my favorite holidays and I love to show appreciation to myself that day regardless of if I have a valentine or not. That’s something I've done for myself since I got my first job at 18, so why not encourage others to do the same? The Best Love is Self-Love!!

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