How to ACTUALLY Strengthen Your Intuition for the Neurodivergent Mind

How to ACTUALLY Strengthen Your Intuition for the Neurodivergent Mind

 Do you consider yourself spiritual? Have you been looking for ways to enhance your intuition and awaken to any other gifts you may have? Are you also of the scattered brained type (adhd/autism), the kind that has a hard time ‘sitting still’ and sticking to a strict daily routine, tired of running into more cliche productivity coaches and the same vague advice from people with more neurotypical like minds suggest? This was also me and it took a lot of trying different things in an attempt to get connected in the way I was looking for (because I had a hard time trusting myself) and following the same vague and recycled advice of what is known to be mainstream spirituality. For this read I am going to share a little backstory of how I got connected and hopefully help you get connected too or realize that you’ve been tapped in this entire time!

 I began awakening to my spiritual gifts during 2022 going into 2023. I didn’t understand how it was happening until spring of 2023 yet I still fell into the trap of following what everyone else says you had to do in order to get “connected” or “be able to finally manifest your desires'' which meant buying a million and 1 crystals, developing an extensive routine, doing things exactly like everyone else or else you didn't want it bad enough (hustle culture is trying to find a new way to disguise itself)  it wasn’t until around October of 2023 when I realized the true reason my intuition got stronger, and when exactly I began to feel more connected with god. it all started once I began writing and creating my own music, painting and gardening. The only thing that got in the way of me realizing that doing so was enhancing my gifts and accepting it was due to me still having a limited perspective on what a spiritual person was supposed to be, look and act like. I later understood that some religious trauma and old beliefs I inherited in my childhood  was distorting my view of what it means to be “spiritual” as well, you know rejecting all the finer things in life, subconsciously believing if you’re spiritual and enjoy luxury or are wealthy it meant you had to be a fraud and being okay with the barely getting by (if at all) and suffering were what true spiritualist were supposed to do etc. 

In spring of 2022, just out of pure curiosity, I started writing my very first few songs. I was being guided toward rapping for months before but was too afraid to pursue it because I couldn't imagine myself doing it. Once I finally tried it out and began developing a love for it, is when weird things would start to happen, for instance, I realized words would just come to me out of nowhere without searching the meaning, then after writing a song I would read back over the entire song and realize I was telling a story or painting some type of picture, then I started doing even weirder things like explaining myself back to myself, like I was being informed of who I truly through my own music. It began to operate as a guide for me. I noticed that some songs I would make to express my suffering, feelings of loneliness, depression etc. and I would be later met with a message in real life that would kind of feel like an answer to those distress calls. Let me also mention, during the time of me building that skill I did not have to worry about bills because I was lucky enough to be working for my now deceased sister as a caregiver and was being paid by the state to do so. So, I was basically being paid to learn how to write music and build my skills and this was after I spent a year and some change trying to hustle my way through life, chasing a dollar the way I was conditioned to believe you had to work. So for every one of those days i spent time making music and no I wasn’t making full songs every day, some days i would listen to beats on YouTube only, the others I would listen back to some of my flows on my current projects and maybe fill in a bar or two and yes there were days where i would find a beat, write and record a full song within a day. THIS was the way my intuition was growing by simply engaging in the act of creating and I also realized why meditation isn’t the most effective way for me is because the way creatives meditate is completely different. One reason being is that the current way of meditation has been watered down and second, I learned that we are more focused on the outcome instead of the intention. The intention is to quiet your mind and focus right? Well, how can you focus if you aren’t doing anything to focus your mind? Sitting still with your eyes closed to me is just a recipe for your mind to wander. Those of us who are creative and who live the adhd experience know that we only really focus on things we care about which for most of us is our art, whatever your art is that allows you to express yourself authentically. For some of us that will be more than one thing which is also great. There's a quote from a book I like to read called “The Medicine Bag” By Don Jose Ruiz where he mentions how art can be used as a "power object" because “the artist has taken materials and combined them with their sincere intent, skill and energy to create something new and beautiful.” meaning that creating art is a spiritual practice. The overall goal of meditation is to enter a flow state and for people like us we enter our flow state when we're focused on making something, we are in the present moment when we are painting, knitting, dancing, singing, writing, filming, producing, whatever! You just have to recognize it for what it is! 

The quickest and simplest way to connect spiritually and strengthen your intuition is to create. It makes so much sense that in order to connect with our creator we must *create* to do so. Know that whatever you create is a direct line to connect with the divine only if you allow it to be. All of this made me remember the first time I felt I had a connection which was when I had some tools to assist me. There was this one time where I smoked a blunt, was burning incense while listening to music and all of a sudden, I started receiving downloads like crazy. I no longer smoke but I definitely have to keep some incense on hand because of that experience. I also started to shape my business around enhancing creativity instead of the same ole “manifesting” or “pamper yourself” marketing strategy which I don't completely disagree with but it’s just that I see these items as enhancement tools only, not things that can bring your dreams into fruition, you hold all of that power you don’t necessarily need anything else. Sometimes we may need a little help getting back connected or we’re trying to reach a new level within our creativity and we’re in need of getting a clearer connection. 

Thank you so much if you’ve taken your time out to read to what I have to say today! I hope this was helpful in some way shape or form and please feel free to share it with anyone you feel this may help! other ways to support me will be through my shop of course, booking a reading, booking a song writing service via fiverr or supporting my YouTube and podcast! 



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